Monday, January 28, 2008

Since you guys said it's only JEL that's uploading pics,
its time for ME to upload my CLASS PHOTOS!
By the way my class is P702!

YiNing, Kathleen, HuiYing (:

Shah, Kathleen, HuiYing.

SokFan, JiaYing (Catwoman)

Shah, SokFan, HuiYing, YiNing.

Shah, Ryan, Kathleen, Elwyn, SinYan.

Elwyn, SinYan, Shah.


Ryan, Shah, JiaMin, SinYan, Elwyn

HuiYing, JiaMin, Kathleen.

YiNing and SokFan

SinYan, Shah, Elwyn (:

Kathleen, Grace, HuiYing, JiaMin, Mr Paul Yap, Ryan, Elwyn, SinYan, Shah, YiNing

Elwyn, Shah, Kathleen, SinYan, Ryan (he look super funny!)

SinYan and Shah, during PSPS class, while playing games (:

errrr... the super un-cool "GUY"

` S I N Y A N .

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