Saturday, October 31, 2009

Campus Relay 2009

Hi guys. Hope everyone's been enjoying the past two weeks back in school. (:

On Friday, 30th October, AMS took part in its second campus relay and is proud to announce that all three teams sent in managed to clinch a position in the top 20. Two of these three teams, Mach 1 and Boomz Boomz Paul, even won 2nd and 4th position respectively.

AMS is also proud to have won the 'Best Diploma Team' award.

Comprising of lecturers and students from all three cohorts, our runners have been training rigorously after school for the past few months. Congratulations to all runners, your hard work have paid off!

Many of our students came down to support the runners in this campus-wide event. Several of the Year 2s together with our very own lecturers even came dressed up as angels and characters of Star Wars to show their support.

At the end of the day, AMS got together for mini-gathering to celebrate our win. And now that all three cohorts are in school, this event also served as a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other better.

Thanks again to all who came down to support our event, we couldn't have done it without you. For our first batch of students in their final semester, we hope you guys enjoy yourselves fully during your last few months with us. (:

Enjoy the photos.

Catch us again at next year's campus relay! (:

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