Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hey All!

Here's a short update about Wednesday, 3rd February's talk by EADS' Guest Speakers, Mr Thorsten Möllman and Dr. Jean Botti.

The first speaker for the day was Mr Thorsten Möllmann.
He gave an overview of EADS, the world’s largest aerospace and defence company. He also presented what the company is able to offer to aviation and aerospace students from TP, covering entry options for undergraduates and graduates, requirements to enter the company and career opportunities.

The 2nd Speaker, Dr. Jean Botti,
presented the many exciting reseach and development programmes that EADS is working on, such as the latest innovation in aircraft technology at Airbus, and how EADs is partnering A*Star in Singapore to do research in biofuel.

Mr Mollman & Dr. Jean Botti met staff and students after the talk and shared their views and personal experiences of the industry over refreshment.

Mr Thorsten Möllmann

Dr Jean Botti


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