Monday, September 27, 2010

Flight Experience Trip to Senai Airport is Cancelled

Hi guys,

I am sorry to disappoint you, our study trip to Senai Airport during 04-15 Oct 2010 is cancelled. We will try to arrange other one when available. This cancellation is partly due to the recent flying incidents and thus approval for flight experience cannot be granted.

For the Year 1s
We are currently planning another alternate study trip for the Yr 1s to Singapore Aeromedical Centre from 04-08 Oct 2010. This trip is extremely useful for your coming module, Aviation Safety & Human Factors Module.

In order to get this trip going, we will need you to be present for a briefing this Wednesday at LT38, 11am.

You will get your refund after the brief.

For the Year 2s
This alternate study trip is not as beneficial to you as you have cleared the Aviation Safety & Human Factors Module last year. Unless you are keen, you do not have to be at the briefing.

You can collect your refund will be on the same day, at 3pm, EN22-6-156.

Best regards,

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