Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Beacause tomorrow is Results Day ...

Here's some information you'll need :

What must I do after receiving my posting results?

For Poly / ITE

Students who have been offered a course in a Poly or ITE should expect to receive an enrolment package / posting letter by post after the official release of the JAE posting results. Students are required to enrol at the Poly or ITE on the date stated in the package / letter.

How can I appeal to be transferred to another course or institution?

Students may appeal for a transfer to another course or institution only after the release of the JAE posting results.

Students who wish to appeal for a transfer to a particular JC / MI should approach the Principal of the JC / MI directly. Individual JCs/MI will have their own application periods set by the JCs/MI themselves. Interested applicants should approach the JCs/MI for the application periods. The outcome of any such application will be provided by the JC / MI directly.

Students who wish to appeal for a transfer to a course in a Poly or ITE should approach the institution directly within 2 working days after the official release of the posting results.

You may also go to the polytechnics’ joint portal for appeal to Polys or the ITE’s website for appeal to ITE. The outcome of any such application will be provided by the Poly or ITE directly.

You should not rely on the appeal process to enter an institution or course of your choice. Appeals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the institution you have approached, and may be granted only when compelling reasons are presented and vacancies are available.

For more information, visit THIS website.

TP's JAE Appeal Exercise

Applicants who have participated in the recent JAE Exercise are eligible to submit an appeal. Information on the appeal procedure will be available after the release of JAE posting results at www.polytechnic.edu.sg.


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