Sunday, January 10, 2010


JAE 2010


Open House is over, so here's a BIG Thank You to all the volunteers who helped out & to all the visitors who stopped by AMS's Booth, Industry Talks & Flight Simulator Workshops. We hope all the activities that were planned will help you make an informed decision for next week's JAE.

Also, being a day away from the release of the GCE 'O' Level results, best of luck to all recipients out there.

As for JAE 2010, here are more details :

Date : 11 January 2010 - 15 January 2010

Time :

1500 - 1700 (11 January 2010)
0900 - 2000 (12 - 14 January 2010)
0900 - 1600 (15 January 2010)

Venue : Auditorium Foyer

See you there!


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