Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1st AMS Reception @ Air Force Museum on 7th Jan 2009

Hi everyone.

A day before the Temasek Polytechnic Open House on the 8th, the cohort had a mini gathering at the Officers' Mess at the Air Force Museum. Being 1st time in an Officers' Mess, the gathering was considered to be an eye-opener for everyone. The Reception was organised by the lecturers for the students for the excellent work in the past year and motivation for all in the year to come, especially then-Open House and JAE.

The reception was declared by Mr Paul Yap, Course Manager of AMS and A token of Appreciation was presented to Ex-Course Manager, Mr Chan Kim Kai for his dedication of bringing up AMS from a little course to what we are now.

Another token of appreciation was presented to the 2nd BlackBox Committee for their hardwork during their term of service. The AMS logo and the course tee were also launched during the Reception.

After the reception, the students were treated to a guided tour by the guides at the Air Force Museum which they enjoyed very much.

There are some of the pics from the site ... Enjoy :)

Signing off at Air Force Museum ...
Keep out for more updates!

Till next time :)

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